Nirwana Beach West Java Indonesia

Above sea waves blue sky arches struck dead tired now. Multicolored fish back and forth between the insertion reefs, crashing nan weak grass green. When the sun went close late, the red-orange color to greet the rest of the coast, raises sheen of light pink.

That piece of enchantment offered tile Ujung Beach in South Coast, Sukabumi, West Java. For those who liked tourist, do not compare with tile Ujung other attractions. But all will soon be paid off by the natural panorama tile Ujung charming.

It takes patience to get to this beach. Prior to the coastal line, we have to go through the winding roads. But when the foot stepping on the coastal line, the Indian Ocean waves ripple makes us forget everything. spoken only words of beauty. coral reefs are widely spread along the dazzling white sand makes the heart tile Ujung awed by its beauty.

Tile Ujung Beach, it sounded weird and quite funny when interpreted in general. With a long coastline of about 16 km that leads to the West End makes the tiles as the most beautiful sights along the south coast. Its beauty is not less than the Pelabuhan Ratu neighbor who had already known to foreign tourists. distance of about 220 km from Jakarta or Bandung, 230 km from the city. Many alternative pathways to get there. Public transport is also available in sufficient quantity.

gentengPada end of the colonial period, Edge tiles used as a dock for the Dutch ships which sailed in the Indian Ocean. When the Japanese ruling, Nipon army used it to transport the natural result of Sukabumi. However, currently the only remaining debris. Only the walls and foundations of a solid breakwater lighthouse which is still clearly visible.

Apart from the rolling waves, rugged cliffs, white sand and wide spread, is also popular with tile Ujung estuary. One satunva Cipanarikan Estuary. River Estuary is a meeting place that cut Cipanarikan Zoo Sanctuary Cikepuh with seawater. Before entering into the sea, winding river water to form a serpentine path that is being run, so that formed a vast expanse of sand.

Cipanarikan Estuary sand grains are often so subtle arena of children's toys. They ran-larian or forming a picture or writing his own name. In the estuary there are also many sea animals, such as crab, grouse, lizards, and fish estuary. When we look at the many beaches found ornamental fish swam free among the sidelines of the cliff.

Not far from there tile Ujung Pangumbahan Beach, where bertelurnya turtles. Usually sea turtle will lay eggs up kedarat at night to make the hole. Bertelurnya events shows that turtles are very long-awaited visitors. In this place there are four endemic species of sea turtles Edge tiles. However, their habitats began to decrease, just a Green Sea Turtle nesting is common.

gentengBila tip turtle nesting turtles want to watch are advised not to make trouble, as this would be reluctant to make the turtles lay their eggs. After the turtles lay their eggs, with a torch and a stick hantuan we can dig a hole where bertelurnya turtles. Its depth can reach one meter or more. In each time laying eggs, a turtle can produce 100 eggs.

Another attraction is the tile Ujung Seven Waves is located about 15 km from Pangumbahan. To reach the Seven Waves can be reached by walking for 3-4 hours. Seven Waves one of the favorite area for foreign tourists to surf, because the wave is always a sequence of seven waves and high. Waves around seven, there are several small islands which have a beach that is rarely touched by humans.

There's more of other interesting tourist sites. Cibuaya is a very fitting place for bathing or swimming. Cibuaya forms of coastal basin which has a depth of 0.5 meters anatra vary up to 6 meters. Inside there are also beautiful coral reefs. At this location we can enjoy the sunrise from the forest behind Cikepuh or sunset on the edge of the ocean. For those who like fishing, Cibuaya is a very suitable place for fish and Krapu Kakap dominate much of this location.

Edge tiles located quite far, but the full beauty to make it so close.

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