Eiffel Tower Paris France Tourism

La Tour Eiffel or the Eifel tower is the most prominent buildings in the city of Paris there are field Champ de Mars beside the River Seine and is known as a symbol of the French state. The Eiffel Tower was built as a gateway l'Exposition of 1889, a World's Fair that coincides with 100 years of the French Revolution. Construction of the tower began in 1887, was inaugurated March 31, 1889 and opened to the public on May 6. His name was taken from a designer, Alexandre Gustave Eiffel.

Project Leader: Mr. Gustave Eiffel assisted by, among other things, the engineers Maurice Koechlin and Emile Nouguier and Stephen Sauvestre as an architect.
Plan the project began in 1884. Despite all the obstacles mentioned above, Development of the tower began in 1887 and was completed 26 months later in the year 1889. This tower has been planned for ongoing weekend will be torn down after the World Exhibition in 1900. However, successful experiment of radio transmission that is controlled by the French Army before the days of restoration ultimately save the Eiffel tower.

Materials used: Iron Steel was associated in the form of crosses from the 18 038 seeds reinforced with 2.5 million nails. Framework of the works of Sir Gustave Eiffel was resistant to wind and although the material of iron, the weight of the tower only 7300 tons.

Height: From the ground up the flag pole, height 312.27 meter in 1889, now 324 yards with antennae. Currently, various French television companies to install their antennas on top of the Eiffel Tower.

Paris is owned by the Local Government and managed by a private company, "Société Nouvelle de l'Exploitation de la Tour Eiffel", iron frame was renovated every seven years and painted with 50 tons of paint. If workers who worked on renovations manguasai alpinis and acrobatic sports.

Lighting: "Iron Girl" was illuminated with 352 watts and 1000 projectors sengah flashes every hour at night with 20,000 light bulbs and light disco 800.

In order to make the tower seem more alive, four laser xenon lamp 6000 watts of power spinning permanently on top of the tower.

Number of steps: 1665 steps for visitors who enjoy sports. There are two lifts which go up to level two you can find various souvenir shops


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