Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII) is a cultural tourism area in Jakarta. Located at coordinates [show location on an interactive map] 6 ° 18? 6.8? Latitude, 106 ° 53? 47.2? BT, in the middle of a lake there TMII which describes the large Indonesian islands in the shape of small.
The idea of building a miniature which includes completeness Indonesia with everything in it is triggered by the First Lady, Siti Hartinah, better known as Ibu Tien Soeharto. The idea was sparked at a meeting on Jalan Cendana no. 8 Jakarta on March 13, 1970. Through this miniature is expected to evoke a sense of pride and patriotism in the entire Indonesian nation. So began a project called Project Thumbnail Indonesia "Indonesia Indah", implemented by Yayasan Harapan Kita.
TMII built in 1972 and inaugurated on April 20, 1975. Various aspects of the natural and cultural richness of Indonesia until the utilization of modern technology exhibited in an area of 150 hectares.
In Indonesia, almost every ethnic group has the form and building a different complexion, not even a rare one tribe has more than one type of traditional buildings. Traditional architecture of the building or they make always dilatarbetakangi by environmental and cultural conditions which are owned. In TMII, this characterization is realized through regional pavilions, representing tribes located in 26 provinces of Indonesia.
Recreational Facilities
* Palace of Indonesian Children
* Train suspension
* Swan Boat Arsipel Indonesia
* Among Putro Park
* Taman Ria Atmaja
* Ambar Tirta Pool Park
* Keong Emas Imax Theater
* Village Tour
* Theatre Land of My Fatherland
Taman Mini "Indonesia Indah" (TMII) is a very popular recreation place and familiar to residents of Jakarta and other cities in Indonesia, even overseas. Presents his concept vehicle and a recreational facility, informative, educational, communicative, and attractive (RIEKA).
Miniature of Indonesia in a complete, well landscape, natural resources, colorful arts and cultural areas, as well as developments in science and technology and various forms of contemporary art and culture tersajikan here. Manifested in the form of presentation Arsipel Thumbnail Indonesia, which is an artificial lake with islands of Indonesia following artificial cross-platform daratnya regions along the bridge. Each pavilion displays custom house follows the traditional architectural character of the presentation of cultural objects, art performances, traditional ceremonies, culinary diversity, and the various subtleties related to the areas concerned, which clearly shows the unity in diversity of Indonesia.
In addition to the pavilion area, lined with museums that showcase not just a collection of historical, cultural and technological past and present but also create a dialogue with visitors through a variety show that-in turn-a milestone in the creation of the future. Appearances 15 museums, among other Indonesian Museum, Museum of Transport, Oil and Gas Museum, Center for Science and Technology Demonstration, a source of unlimited information.
Recreational vehicle park in the form of 11 units, among others, the Bird Garden, Garden Fresh Water Aquarium, and Keong Emas Flower Garden; a variety of innovative vehicles, such as the Palace of Indonesian Children, Keong Emas Imax Theatre, Theatre 4D'Motion, Hanging Train (skylift), " monorail "Aeromovel; and Tionghoa Indonesia Cultural Park and Waterpark TMII now being built, also offers an interesting nuance.
Various types of vehicles and facilities all have dimensions of recreation, education, preservation, enrichment at the same time horizon of knowledge and inheritance of cultural values the Indonesian people, especially for the younger generation.
Visit Taman Mini "Indonesia Indah", see the charm of Indonesia.
Location and Area
Taman Mini "Indonesia Indah" is located in Jakarta, the capital of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia, located approximately 2 km from Kampung Rambutan terminal, approximately 5 km from the airport, Halim Prime Kusumah, and 200 meters from the toll gate Jagorawi. This strategic location allows guests to reach it with various types of vehicles.
Land area of 150 hectares, located in four villages in the district administration and three subdistricts, namely Apus Bamboo Village and Ceger in Cipayung District, village of Kampung Dukuh in Kramat Jati subdistrict, and village in the district of Kampung Pinang Ranti Makassar, East Jakarta. This land is only partially true of the entire land allotment TMII, because based on the Jakarta Governor Decree No. 3498 dated October 9, 1984 the area was expanded to 394.535 hectares. Therefore TMII is "Project Grow", adjusted for land use developments and needs.
Area Physical Condition
Taman Mini "Indonesia Indah" originally covering an area of 145 ha. This land is land originally owned by people as the fields and rice paddies. Then, with effort and hard work, this land can be transformed into areas for the establishment of a miniature garden. Changing the land from its original form in the form fields to build a decent stretch of time that does not require too long and other efforts such as land leveling, processing become a decent stretch of wear, and the division for use in the construction of the pavilion, the museum and the main buildings and building support .
TMII region has undulating topography. Such topography provide advantages due to the spread of this form. TMII can freely display platforms and a wide variety of other performances. But there are also shortages caused by this undulating topography, land clearance effort that is needed for a particular purpose, such as making buildings that require flat land.
With the natural environment they occupy, TMII gain because this kind of environment, support for the development of physical and program. Original state in the form of undulating land, with vegetation scattered here and there from various plant species, and wetlands that form a lake. TMII have the discretion to develop a diverse plan. With the existence of wetlands, the pattern of environmental regulation becomes more natural and in many respects, this moist environment to facilitate the development of performances in area waters. This fact has been enjoyed by the development: Indonesia Arsipel Goose Park and Garden Fresh Water Aquarium.
Facing Obstacles
A very heavy task in this mission is still burdened by the attitudes and responses of some classes and walks of life are not fully supportive, but still want a more detailed explanation about the idea of establishment of this miniature garden. However, with perseverance and determination of the sublime, all obstacles can be overcome. This business is commuted to the support in various forms from various circles. The education community and private entrepreneurs are basically supported the idea of establishment of this miniature park, though accompanied with various conditions and considerations.
The reaction in the form of soft and hard resolved by giving understanding to those who are less supportive. Suggestions and criticism is collected and used as a more detailed consideration. Ibu Tien Soeharto himself who took part also gives explanations about the idea of this miniature project development. The appeal was submitted to the donors and contributors to assist in the implementation of this project.
Progress of project development to realize the idea was spurred by a Memorandum of miniature House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia, tertangga1 March 4, 1972. which gives some alternatives and suggestions for an underlying implementation of this project.
In this memorandum, acknowledged that the project development plan, this miniature Indonesia Indah, arising from fears of disunity within the unity of the Indonesian nation. Lending a hand in the form of participation of Parliament in providing advice does help mitigate expenses incurred by the differences of opinion about the development of this project, until even the process of implementation, the House of Representatives to give alternative suggestions.
Figures who contributed
No doubt, a major figure in the creation of a form which reflects national cultural park is Madame Tien Soeharto, who is also First Lady of the moment. Brilliant ideas which followed the steps consistently been able to overcome all obstacles that are not small. Persistence and stability karsanya already reveal the view to the future development of this park.
Accompanying figures and can not be separated as is Mr. Suharto as President of the Republic of Indonesia and Ibu Tien as a husband. Encouragement and protection as well as the similarity of view has been encouraging the realization of ideas and ideals in the invites the public to understand more deeply the culture of the nation and the love of their homeland. Without this encouragement, this manifestation of miniature gardens and the construction of the development will always face a difficult obstacle to overcome.
Efforts to Maintain Current and TMII
Miniature Projects "Taman Mini" Indonesia Indah "which was then known as Taman Mini" Indonesia Indah ". Now has a long way from the situation at first. With handle of aspects and prospects as a foundation filsafatinya, Miniature Park" Indonesia Indah "already has 22 main buildings and supporting, 27 pavilion area, 24 museums and parks, 6 houses of worship, 5 recreation facilities, along with its supporting facilities, like accommodation, transport, restaurants, and other buildings that come complete appearance Taman Mini "Indonesia Indah".
Compared with the initial construction period, which only has 26 platforms, may be said that during 21 years of age, this park has grown 220% in the shape of the building. Similarly, in the form of land area. This fact was proud because it shows progress in its development. However, such a situation, this is not spared from the violence of the effort to maintain it, what else is more expanding.
To maintain the Taman Mini "Indonesia Indah" like the situation now, be prepared in various fields. Funds and human resources to manage it should always be available with a high enough level. This management is not merely displaying his physical presence, but more important is to create the appearance that meets the philosophical foundation that has been used as footholds. Pavilion is not just an exhibition of cultural heritage objects of the past or to perform the dance but must be able to invite the community to find ways and the way in towards the ideals set forth in the description of aspects and prospects of development of the Project Thumbnail "Indonesia Indah". To realize this task is not easy and not light. Toughness required to implement human resources capable of embodying the ideals of the nation in the form of a relatively very limited, and the costs of which should be available to not restrict movement.
Provision of human resources and funds, as it requires the right strategy. Therefore in the development activities of the Taman Mini "Indonesia Indah" needs in the field of human resources and funds become an integral part in the development program. Development of such a program must be done if the Taman Mini "Indonesia Indah" will be able to reach the future.
What actually want to be reached Taman Mini "Indonesia Indah" in the future? Foundation of philosophy as it has been described in the front can not be abandoned. With the foundation for reaching the future, had designed the pattern and the preparation of the management program to achieve the objectives as espoused in the mission. Thumbnail Project Management "Beautiful Indonesia" did not simply executed, but arranged in the letters that guides decisions in the implementation. Management organization is always subject to review for subsequent upgrades, both in systems and in personnel.
To reach the goal in the mission of the Taman Mini "Indonesia Indah ', the pavilion, museums and parks, as well as other units that support the means to achieve them. Program and performance of each unit is a process that lasted for to reach Taman Mini "Indonesia Indah". In addition to program development in each pavilion and other units, development conducted Taman Mini "Indonesia Indah" means in equipping the units and their components so that the philosophical foundation that has been used as the handle and guide the mission can be fulfilled. Every time there is always the addition components step by step to fill the philosophical basis that has been outlined.
As a tourist area, the presence of TMII not only recognized by the wider community characterized by dense visitors on holidays, but the recognition of numerous awards from various official circles.
In the new age of a year, in 1976. TMII has received awards in the field of tourism from the government of DKI Jakarta. Then a row in 1977 and in 1978 received an award from the government of DKI form of tourism "Bronze Palm" and "Silver Palm." In 1981, still from the government of DKI. TMII tourism awarded a "Golden Palm".
In 1987, cultural preservation TMII awarded the Golden Award of the Pacific Asian Travel Association (PATA). In the field of small industries, the results have been achieved by TMII led to awards from the Government of Indonesia in the form Upakarti pioneering republic in 1990.
Tourism award from the government of DKI Jakarta, in the form of "masterpieces of Tourism" were acquired in 1991. 1992 and 1993. Later in the year 1994. TMtl obtain a placard "Adikaryottama Tour" also from the Jakarta government of his achievement to maintain "masterpiece Tour", for four consecutive years. As in 1995, TMII successfully obtained an award of the charter "Adikaryottama Tour 1995". Adikaryottama derived from the Sanskrit language, which means that Adi Karya Utama.
In the year 1995 also was awarded the greening of Environmental TMII from the Jakarta administration. TMII is the work of the sons and daughters of Indonesia in an effort to preserve, foster and develop and disseminate various aspects of Indonesian culture. Values inherited hereditary tradition, values and current expectations for the future of Indonesia is reflected in the share form of static or dynamic demonstrations throughout the area TMII.
TMII listed as Indonesian tourist resort of the most widely held local arts products. In each Pavilion. and in every corner of its parts. every day we see the cultural charm of the area that can be witnessed by visitors. Interesting attractions which in turn will encourage visitors to come into the area whenever there is opportunity.
Opportunity that was opened wide by TMII in the field of arts and culture had an impact in stimulating the spirit of the art in these areas. The atmosphere of competition for the best display to stimulate creativity and innovation of local artists to produce works of high quality cultural arts. To determine which arts groups will perform at TMII, not infrequently preceded by a series of festival selection and local level so that the chosen best groups who became ambassador to TMII arts area. On the contrary. groups who can perform best and have demonstrated achievement in TMIl, when he got back in the region will be a motivation for other groups to work and berpretasi better.
In an effort to prepare the next generation to continue to love, appreciate and explore art and culture of his people, TMII through the studio-art education centers are actively arouse interest and appreciation for the young generation, ranging from children to adults. Education and training efforts have shown results are quite encouraging. Through the camp or workshop activity, a dance studio and music at TMII environment, people of various generasipun can jointly identify, study, preserve and develop the various aspects of Indonesian culture and art.
TMII itself, through its flagship arts team, which is "Pelangi Nusantara TMII" has succeeded in helping government efforts to introduce the richness of Indonesian culture art all over the world. Since 1978 until now, this team regularly fill the state arts event at the Presidential Palace of the Republic of Indonesia. In addition, the "Rainbow Nusantara" actively participated in various performances to these areas in order to increase public appreciation of Indonesian art and culture of his people wealth. Within a year the average team is doing about 50 times the stage to meet the demands of various parties, on various occasions. Meanwhile, in its action to the world, to various cities and countries around Asia, Europe, America and Australia, has more than 22 successful missions carried with good art.
Pelangi Nusantara is basically an operational team of art that serves as a pilot unit. This team has been recognized by the public as one of the pioneers of system performance according to the situation and condition of society that are developing dynamically. One of the advantages possessed by this team is a harmony of good used clothing or costumes. time appears to be tailored to the needs and the flexibility of each of the dancers are able to bring, many different types of dances.
Through the museum-museum. TMII valued by society because of their pioneering work continuously generate community interest in love and visit museums. With museum-museum display an attractive, brushed aside the impression TMII strives bleak and "ancient" that so far is the image of our museums in society. The presence of various museums in one area is very useful for the community to increase knowledge and satisfy curiosity about many things about Indonesia. Whole will have a positive impact for the preparation and development of human resources development.
The forms of buildings in each region is the result of efforts Pavilion TMII in the field of preservation of traditional architectural forms. Shape and build the architecture is very aspirational and inspirational at the same time it seeks to keep maintained and developed into the future.
On the other hand, specifically, the forms of buildings in TMII many of which are work and achievement of children of Indonesian people in the field of modern Indonesian architecture, which is expected to make significant contribution to the dynamic development of world architecture in the future. Almost all modern building located in TMII, referring to the era of the future but remain rooted in tradition and philosophy of Indonesia.
In the field of small industries, makers of art objects from various areas constantly and continually nurtured and given the opportunity to perform and work, as well as to market their handiwork. Similarly, guidance to the disabled body is also made. TMII even build hundreds gendong herbalist. Small communities that have a big hand in the national cultural heritage preservation and development of value Indonesia high.
In its role as a "Faces of Indonesia" which represents the image of the nation and the state of Indonesia, TMII frequented by the Heads of State or Heads of Government of friendly countries around the world. Almost at every arrival of the guests of honor, friendship diacarakan banyan tree planting at one location TMII. Now at least there has been 129 banyan tree planted by the guest country, some of which are world leaders. This amount is enriched with 108 trees of various types, known in its country of origin and can be grown in Indonesia's natural. These trees were planted by the heads of states at the time of the Non-Aligned Summit Non-X-Block in 1992 in Jakarta.
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Posted by izzy at 10:20 AM
Labels: Cultural tourism, indonesia, jakarta, study tour, tour, tourism
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