Ulen Sentalu Museum is the private museum, established by the Family Foundation Haryono under Ulateng Blencong elders who have the support of Mataram Dynasty, including ISKS PB XII, GBPH Poeger, PA KGPAA IX, Gray. Siti Nurul Kusumawardhani, and former First Lady Ibu Hartini Sukarno. Officially opened the Governor of Yogyakarta, Paku Alam VIII on March 1, 1997. Ulateng Blencong Sejatine Tataraning Lumaku, is the acronym of Ullen Sentalu
The museum collection is an art and cultural history of Mataram, which is intangible heritage as outlined in the works al fine arts: paintings and family photographs of Mataram, batik palace that can open the space and time in tracing the history of Islam and Classical Mataram is the source of national cultural identity.
Location in the Region Tourism at the foot of Mount Merapi Kaliurang which is a sacred place and the beautiful scenery inspired the originator of the museum architecture for designing buildings in "In The Field Architecture Concept", which is made with respect to the building and blend with the natural landscape itself.
Pimp: KRT. Thomas Haryonagoro,entrance fee: U.S. $ 4 (overseas) DOMESTIC Rp. 20,000 students to Rp. 10,000open: Tuesday - Sunday, pkl. 9:00 to 16:00 pm (national holiday to stay open)web site: e-mail info@ullensentalu.comtel / fax: (274) 880158, 895161 / 881743 (Ida / Sinang)


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