Beringharjo Traditional Market in Yogyakarta

Beringharjo become a part of Malioboro a pity to miss. How not, this market has become a center of economic activity for hundreds of years and its existence has philosophical meaning. Markets that had been renovated many times it symbolizes one of the stages of human life that is still struggling with its economic needs. In addition, Beringharjo is also one of the pillars 'Catur Tunggal' (consisting of the Palace, North Square, the Palace, and Market Beringharjo) which symbolizes the economic function. 

Beringharjo Market Area was originally a forest of banyan. Shortly after the founding of the Palace Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat, precisely in 1758, this market area become a place of economic transactions by residents of  Yogyakarta and its surroundings. Hundreds of years later, in 1925, then the place of economic transaction has a permanent building. The name 'Beringharjo' itself is given by Hamengkubuwono IX, means the area which was originally a banyan tree (Bering) is expected to provide welfare (Harjo). Now, the tourist market will interpret this as a fun shopping. 

The front and rear of the building west of the market is the perfect place to indulge tongue with snacks. In the north of the front, can be found brem round with a softer texture than Madison and krasikan brem (such dodol from rice flour, sugar Java, and crushed sesame seeds). In the south, can be found bakpia contents of green beans are usually sold still warm and moist cake like hung kwe and nagasari. While the rear of a comestible generally sell durable like ting-ting made of caramel, mixed nuts.


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